Lavender Oil Benefits : A Closer Look at the power of the purple flower

Lavender Oil Benefits

Lavender, the subtle cousin of Purple, has always made its presence sensed through the eccentric scent and the wide range of medicinal properties. This article will benefit those who are not aware of its medicinal use and also those who heard about it but remained unaware of the right method of its application. Get ready to unveil the magic of the scented medicine in its natural liquid form – The Lavender Oil Benefits. So, let’s plunge ourselves into the top 10 benefits of using Lavender Oil for Hair. 

  1. Lavender Oil has properties to enhance the hair growth. It unifies as a good bonding agent right up to the hair roots. And, while it stimulates hair growth, it also adds to hair volume – that’s like killing two birds with one stone. 
  2. Unlike other hair oils Lavender Oil is a multi-beneficial essential oil that works effectively both for men and women. One of its popular use is controlling and limiting male pattern baldness.
  3. Owing to the natural chemical construct, Lavender Oil provides evident results. Its deep nourishing nutrient enables the scalp to have an increased flow of blood and enhance hair growth. Lavender Oil with its thicker density nourishes far better than any other oil. The perfect thickness of lavender oil helps it run deeper and work the roots properly.
  4. Lack of Hair growth and Hair loss are two different type of problems. While lack of hair growth can cause thin hair, Hair loss can lead to bigger issues like receding hairline and even baldness in some cases. More than 100 constituents including linalool, camphor, linalyl acetate, limonene, tannins, cineole, coumarins, triterpenes, perillyl alcohol, and flavonoids are present in lavender oil. It is the natural chemical composition of the oil that treats the scalp well enough and prevents hair loss. 
  5. Since Lavender oil stimulates blood flow in the scalp, it is evident that this nourishment helps treat dandruff too. Dandruff is caused majorly by dryness and dehydration therefore Lavender Oil to the scalp is a quick remedy to dandruff trouble. 
  6. Researches have confirmed that the main components of Lavender Oil, linalool and linalyl acetate, can kill or inhibit the growth of fungi. Problems like Skin rashes, Itchy scalp can be treated naturally with Lavender Oil massage and then washing it after an hour or two. 
  7. For those who are constantly bothered by the ill-mannered, hairstyle-ruining, troublemaking scratches on scalp, must try this. In some cases, one may also use Lavender Oil to treat lice by combining it with tea tree oil or neem oil. 
  8. Basis a study that was conducted in 2016, it was found that Lavender Oil can help hair grow thicker and faster than normal. This study also confirmed that these properties can be further used to treat pattern baldness or alopecia in some cases. 
  9. Lavender Oil can be used as a golden precautionary solution to avoid premature greying of hair. The one solution everybody just wants so dearly to have when it comes to losing that original texture and colour of the hair. 
  10. With multitude of benefits for hair and body, we just cannot miss out on the calming, stress relieving therapeutic benefits of Lavender oil. This versatile oil is popularly used in aromatherapy to treat anxiety, fungal infections, allergies, depression, insomnia, eczema, nausea, and other similar problems. 

The right use of Lavender Oil for Hair Growth

Essential oils are therapeutic and they can benefit only when used in the right way. It is advisable never to use undiluted essential oil directly on your skin or hair. You are more likely to have an allergic reaction if used without consultation. While the medicinal properties of lavender oils are tested and proven however you must not use this as an alternative to a prescribed treatment plan.

The easiest way to reap the benefits of an essential oil is to look for a trusted producer that makes pure oils with no artificial content. Mystique Abundance Hair Growth and Thickening oil serum contains seven miraculous herbs and natural oils including Lavender oil that help in hair growth, thickening and nourishment. All it will take for you to achieve these results is to follow the application method as per your hair problems. All the benefits are pumped into one hair oil bottle from Mystique Abundance Hair Growth and Thickening Oil with a promise of 100% natural and chemical free solution.  

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